English, asked by akartilodhi, 8 months ago

how will a true friend fell when he/she in a grief
poem friend and flatterers


Answered by Anonymous


People who flatter us all the time are not real friends. They flatter us to receive our favors. When we have money and power, they will stand with us but when we have nothing left, they will disappear. The real friend is the one who stand with us in our ups and downs but flatterers stand with us only when we stand. So let’s be careful about choosing friends. Let’s befriend true friends.

Stanza 1

Every one that flatters thee

Is no friend in misery.

Words are easy, like the wind;

Faithful friends are hard to find:


Flatter – Praise

Thee – You

Misery – Struggle; trouble; pain; difficulty

Faithful – Committed; loyal

Questions & Answers

Why shouldn’t we trust a flattering friend like a real friend?

We should not trust a flattering friend primarily because a flatterer is not genuine. Such a friend should not be trusted because when we are through troubled times, he or she will not stand with us.

Why are words compared to wind?

Wind is aimless. It comes from one direction and leaves through another. Wind has no commitments. Like wind blows, some people give us hollow advice but they are not honest. They sound like the blowing wind but they do not make any sense.

What do you mean by ‘a friend in misery?’

A friend in misery is a real friend who stands with us in our good and bad times alike. True friendship is proved during troubled times because those who stand us to strengthen us during our bad days are real friends while others who used to praise us were never true.

Stanza 2

Every man will be thy friend

Whilst thou hast wherewith to spend;

But if store of crowns be scant,

No man will supply thy want.


Thy – Your

Whilst – While

Hast – Has

Wherewith – Money

Store of crowns – Money

Scant – Low

Supply – Give

Thy want – Your need

Questions & Answers

When do we find ourselves surrounded by friends?

We find ourselves surrounded by friends when we have wealth and money to spend for them.

When do fake friends abandon us?

Fake friends abandon us when we have spent our wealth. They stand with us as long as we have riches to spend for them.

How does Shakespeare define flatterers?

In Shakespeare’s words, flatterers are those people who pretend like our friends and praise us to please us. In fact they have no love for us. All they want is our money and company, not our love. When we become poor, they leave us and disappear. Their flattery will turn to blames.

Stanza 3

If that one be prodigal,

Bountiful they will him call,

And with such-like flattering,

‘Pity but he were a king;’


Prodigal – Spendthrift; over-spending; black-sheep; reckless

Bountiful – Abundant

Such-like – As if

Pity – Sympathy

But he were a king – As if he were a king

Questions & Answers

What does prodigal mean? OR Who is a prodigal person?

Prodigal is characterized by over-spending without being worried about the possibility of being a pauper/poor. A prodigal person is a spendthrift so he has a lot of friends.

Whose company do people generally like?

People generally like the company of those who are prodigal with their wealth for friendship.

How do people flatter a prodigal friend?

Crafty friends flatter their prodigal friends by saying that they are sorry he is not a king. They repeatedly say that such qualities as his could only be found in kings.

Stanza 4

If he be addict to vice,

Quickly him they will entice;

If to women he be bent,

They have at commandement:


If he be – If he is

Addict – Addicted

Vice – Sins

Entice – Tempt; Lure

If he be bent – If he is addicted to

At commandment – In power

Questions & Answers

What kind of people attract false friends?

People who are inclined to vicious character and engage in bad deeds easily attract false friends. When these false friends see that someone is attracted to women, they lure him by supplying him with the kind of women he likes.

Stanza 5

But if Fortune once do frown,

Then farewell his great renown

They that fawn’d on him before

Use his company no more.


Fortune – Luck

Frown – Be angry

Farewell – Depart, lose

Renown – Fame

Fawn’d – Flattered

Questions & Answers

What happens to your flatterers when your luck turns bad?

When luck turns bad, our flatterers will bid farewell to us. They will not stay with us any more.

What does the frown of fortune indicate?

Frown of fortune means bad luck.

Stanza 6

He that is thy friend indeed,

He will help thee in thy need:

If thou sorrow, he will weep;

If thou wake, he cannot sleep;


Sorrow – Worry

Weep – Cry

Questions & Answers

What are the qualities of real friends according to the stanza? (1 mark)

The real friend is the one who cannot watch his friend go through trouble. He is so much concerned that he cannot sleep if he is wakened by his friend for help. He shares his friend’s worries and suffers as if it is his own worry.

Stanza 6

Thus of every grief in heart

He with thee doth bear a part.

These are certain signs to know

Faithful friend from flattering foe.


Grief – Sadness

Doth – Does

Bear – Suffer

Foe – Enemy

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