How will the visit to blind school , a school for hearing and speech impaired children or an old age home sensitise you to their needs ?
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Vision impairments can result from a variety of causes, including congenital conditions, injury, eye disease, and brain trauma, or as the result of other conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis. A person is considered legally blind if his or her corrected vision is no better than 20/200, meaning seeing at twenty feet what others see at two hundred feet or having peripheral fields (side vision) of no more than 20 degrees diameter or 10 degrees radius. A person is considered visually impaired when corrected vision is no better than 20/70.
Eighty to ninety percent of legally blind people have some measurable vision or light perception. A student who is legally blind may retain a great amount of vision. Many legally blind students are able to read with special glasses, and a few can even drive. It is also important to note that some legally blind students have 20/20 vision. Although these students have perfect central vision, they have narrow field or side vision and see things as though they were looking through a tube or straw. They often use guide dogs or canes when they travel. Some blind students with only central vision loss do not require a guide dog or cane. They are able to see large objects but have great difficulty reading or threading a needle. The term “blindness” should be reserved for people with complete loss of sight. “Visually impaired” is the better term used to refer to people with various gradations of vision.
Few Allegheny students are totally blind, but the adaptations and accommodations needed by blind people can be applied to all students with vision impairments. Most visually impaired students use a combination of accommodations for class participation and learning needs, including books on tape, e-text, or voice synthesizing computers, optical scanners, readers, and Braille
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