Economy, asked by nishthas015, 10 months ago

how will u treat the following while estimating the natinonal income of india reaso a. payment of interest on borrowings by the general gvrmnt b. incrase in price of the shares of a company c. gvrmnt expenditure on sanitation d. growing vegetable in a kitchen garden of the house


Answered by linkeshclass10th



1. Differentiate the following functions:

(a) f(x) = 6


− + .

(b) () = √

(c) () =

( − ).

(d) () =


− )

(e) () = (


ANS: The derivatives are:


() = 18

2 + 4 − 1.


() = 2⁄√.


() = −

( − 2) +

− =

(3 − ).


() = [12



2 − ) − (4 − 1)4



2 − )




() = [1



−4 ⁄ ] = −3 /.

2. Determine whether the following functions are strictly convex, strictly concave, or neither

over the specified intervals:

(a) () =

− + , for x = any real number.

(b) () = , for x > 0.

(c) () =

, for x ≦ .

(d) () =

+ , for x ≧ 0.

ANS: The answers are determined by the signs of the second derivatives:


′′() = 2 > 0, (x) is strictly convex.


′′() = −1 /

2 < 0, and f(x) is strictly concave.


′′() =


> 0, () is strictly convex.


′′() = 6 − 4 which does not have a unique sign for x ≥ 0, and f(x) is neither strictly convex

nor strictly concave over the entire interval.

3. Find the values of x1 and x2 which maximize


) = + + − .

ANS: Setting the partial derivatives equal to zero,

1 = 5 + 2 − 1 = 0 2 = 10 − 62 + 1 = 0

ℎ equations have the solution x1 = 8, x2 = 3. The second-order conditions for a maximum are

satisfied by this solution:

11 = −1 < 0 |

11 12

21 22

| = |

−1 1

1 −6

| = 5 > 0


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4. Let f(x1, x2) = A

, where A, , > 0, be defined for the domain x1, x2 > 0. Demonstrate

that the function is strictly concave within its domain if and only if + < 1.

ANS: If + < 1, the principal minors of the Hessian will alternate in sign, beginning with minus, as

required for strict concavity:

11 = ( − 1)1


< 0


11 12

21 22

| = |

( − 1)1








( − 1)1



| =(1 − − )




2(−1) > 0

Conversely, + ≥ 1 will violate the requirement that the Hessian be positive, and concavity cannot


5. Find the values for x1 and x2 that maximize f (x1, x2) =

subject to the requirement that

5x1 + 2x2 = 300. Demonstrate that the appropriate second-order condition is satisfied.

ANS: Form the Lagrange function

= 1

22 + (51 + 22 − 300)

Where λ is an undetermined multiplier, and set its partial derivatives equal to zero:


= 212 + 5 = 0


= 1

2 + 2 = 0

= 51 + 22 − 300 = 0

Substitute 22 = 5 1⁄2 from the first two equations into the third:

5x1 + 51


− 300 = 0

Which gives the solution x1 = 40, x2 = 50.

The second-order condition, which requires that the bordered Hessian be positive, is satisfied:


22 21 5

21 0 2

5 2 0

| = 401 − 82 = 1200 > 0

6. Find functions of two variables with the domains x1, x2 > 0 that are

(a) Quasi-concave, but not strictly quasi-concave and not concave.

(b) Strictly quasi-concave, but not concave.

(c) Quasi-concave, but not strictly quasi-concave and not strictly concave.

(d) Strictly quasi-concave and concave, but not strictly concave.

ANS: A function is concave if 11 ≤ 0 and H = 1122 − 12

2 ≥ 0, and strictly concave if the strict

inequalities hold. A function is quasi-concave if D = 12

2 12 − 112

2 − 221

2 ≥ 0, and strictly quasi-


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concave if the strict inequality holds. The reader may verify that the following functions have the desired

properties by evaluating the appropriate determinants:

(a) (1, 2

) = −(ln 1 − ln 2).

(b) (1, 2

) = 12.

(c) (1, 2

) = 1 + 2.

(d) (1, 2

) = 1




7. The locus of points of tangency between income lines and indifference curves for given prices

p1, p2 and a changing value of income is called an income expansion line or Engel curve. Show

that the Engel curve is a straight line if the utility function is given by

U =

, > .

ANS: Form the function V = 1

2 + ( − 11 − 22) and set its partial derivatives = 0.



2 − 1 = 0 1

− 2 = 0 y - 11 − 22 = 0

Which yields 11 = 22, a positively sloped straight line through the origin.

8. Let a consumer’s utility function be U =

+ . + and his budget constraint

3 + = . Show that his optimum commodity bundle is the same as in Exercise 2.3.

Why is this the case?

ANS:- V is a monotonic transformation of the utility function. Specifically, V = U4 + ln U.  bye

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