how will you change the baground of a chart
by changing its back ground
Click the chart object.Click the More icon , click the Locked icon , select the chart body by clicking between the axes, and, in the Properties pane, under Color & Background, double-click the Plot Area Fill property.Click a fill type from the Fill type list.Linear Gradient displays a gradient that changes color horizontally. You can specify the position of each color in the gradient and add or remove colors from the gradient.Radial Line Gradient displays a gradient that changes color outwards from a central point, or focus. You can specify the position of each color in the gradient and the size and position of the focus. You can also add or remove colors from the gradient.Radial Rectangle Gradient displays a gradient that changes color outwards from a rectangle. You can specify the position of each color in the gradient and the size of the rectangle. You can also add or remove colors from the gradient.Pattern displays a colored pattern that you choose from a preset list. You can specify the foreground and background colors.Color displays a solid color. You can specify the transparency.Image displays an image. You can specify the image to use.