Economy, asked by shantipriya99, 1 year ago

How will you explain the term unemployment? Suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated unemployed


Answered by MoniReddy


Unemployment, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, is persons above a specified age not being in paid employment or self-employment but currently available for work during the reference period.


Measures taken to mitigate the problem of educated unemployed are:

  • Make education career oriented which will help students not only get education and the working and understanding of use the education in terms of job application.
  • Creating individual personality test to check what are the interest of an individual, if his/her interest coincides with any industry and then train them in particular way.
  • Introducing new courses and chapters for both educational and career growth

Answered by manushprajapati0611


Following measures should be adopted to remove disguised unemployment in the agriculture sector:

1. The government should spend some money to construct wells for small land holders or marginal farmers.

Banks can provide a loan to construct a well for farmer which will enable them to irrigate their land they will

take a second or even third crop with the help of irrigation.

2. Call can be given to private companies to construct dams, tanks and canals. With the new construction work

new opportunity will be created for employment in the rural areas. This could lead to a lot of employment

generation within the agricultural sector itself reducing the problem of underemployment.

3. Transport facility, construction of state houses for the storage of crops, construction of better rural roads,

co-operative marketing facility should be provided to farmer in rural and also in sub-urban areas so that

farmers can take their vegetables, milk and other products to nearby markets. This will also provide

employment to the people who are facing the problem of disguised unemployment in agriculture the sector.


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