How will you make the use of science in everyday life in hindi?
Science is a great boon for humans. In human history, there has been no better event than the rise of science for his life when science emerged, at that time the world was surrounded by ignorance, sorrows and calamities.
Science has played a meaningful role in reducing human suffering from misery, reducing its ignorance and reducing its difficulties. Science is a loyal servant of human. Whether it is home or science, science or sector helps in every field of life.
No more human beings can get the privilege When we spoil our servant, or we do not have control over him. That is when he is harmful to us. But for this we are responsible for ourselves. It is necessary to keep the servant under his control.
Science has made a huge change in our lives. The days passed, while the person who enjoyed the same was enjoying the majesty. Science has made them cheap, easy and accessible. With the help of science, the production of goods has started on a large scale, these items are now sold in the market at affordable prices.
Books, music and other means of entertainment are easily found today. Radio, television and cinema are the means by which we can spend our time happily. Undoubtedly, there has already been a lot of difference in the life of the ordinary person.
Science is also our loyal companion in the field of medicine. He takes care of our health with every vision. By science, human has gained the power to treat various incurable diseases. With the destruction of smallpox, cholera, and plague etc. humanity now finds itself safe. With the help of Kishan, we are able to overthrow the germs spreading diseases. Today, possibly leaving one or two diseases, there is no such disease, which can be called malignant.
Science has made our trips enjoyable. Today, when we go to remote holy shrines, we do not cry while interrupting our relatives and friends. Science has conquered the time and distance. Vehicles cross the forests and desertes safely and the man reaches his destination in a fast pace and comfort.