How will you tell which part of a plant is the stem and which is the root
We can easily identify this that the part above the soil surface is known as Stem, whereas the part below the Soil is known as Root. Stem possess with leaves but roots do not.
1. Stem arises from the plumule of embryo.
2. Stems are generally green, at least in the young state.
3. It generally forms the ascending or above ground part of the plant (several exceptions).
4. Stem is differentiated into nodes and internodes.
5. Stem bears leaves and buds on its nodes.
1. Cells of the epidermis have cutinised outer walls. A separate non-cellular layer of cuticle may also be formed on the outside.
2. Epidermis is protective in function.
3. Stomata are found on the stem.
.4. Stem hairs usually do not arise as outgrowths of epidermal cells.
.5. A colienchymatous or hypodermis is found below the epidermis.