How william Davies laments on materiatistic of morden man ?
ABSTRACT The researcher has tried to highlight the dilemma of modern man described in the poem "leisure" by William Davies. Modern man is so much engrossed in getting and spending that he has no time to see and enjoy the beauty of nature. Nature is present everywhere in its full bloom and splendor but modern man is so much pre-occupied with worldly pursuits and materialistic designs that he has no time to see and enjoy the beauty manifested in various forms. The natural elements present an invitation to man but a modern man, being busy in rat race, refuses their invitation. He has declared blunt refusal to his aesthetic sense and replaced it with lust for money and other worldly designs. Even animals are much better than man because they live in the heart of nature and enjoy its company. God has, no doubt, created man to explore the nature and praise its beauty but modern man has made himself slave of time and gives preference to his evil designs instead of thinking and brooding upon nature and its blessed beauty. KEYWORDS: Stylistics, analysis, poem, leisure. INTRODUCTION William Davies is, no doubt, a great poet of nature. He has spent most important part of his life as a tramp. He has taken common social themes from ordinary life and described them in a simple language which is easy to read and understand. Leisure is, in fact, documentary by William Davies, describing human misfortune that hampers him to enjoy the natural beauty lying around him. Flowers with its fragrance, sun with its brightness, moon with its romantic glow, Streams with bright stars and mountains with magical heights are there in an easy access for man but man does not look at them. He has created his own artificial world which is quite contrary to the world created by God. In the world of man, emotions and passions are replaced by figures and calculations and quantity has replaced quality. Man has become a slave of his worldly desires which he has to attain by hook or by crook. This artificial world of man has snatched freedom from man. Even animals are more freer than men. They are free from the chains and shackles of worldly tasks and materialistic pursuits. William Davies has drawn a graphic picture of modern man with his unnecessary involvement in the world of profit and loss. He has elaborated the selfishness and lust of man which has deprived him of his sense of beauty and his ability to explore the nature and conquer it. RESEARCH QUESTIONS (1) Why does a modern man not enjoy natural beauty? (2) Why does William Davies call the present life of man not enjoy natural beauty? (2) Why does William Davies call the present life of man a poor one? (3) In what case are animals better than man? (4) Which poetic device has been used by William Davies in order to emphasize his idea? AIMS AND OBJECTIVES This research paper aims To Highlight the dilemma of modern man, I. e his too much preoccupation with his worldly pursuits. To Describe the misfortune of man being unable
to look at the nature and enjoy its beauty To discuss the superiority of animals upon man in case of enjoying with the natural elements. To introduce personification in order to highlight beauty and its various exposures. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research paper is qualitative in its approach. It is descriptive in nature. It has been proceeding on account of stylistic analysis of the poem. DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY There is a lot of poems which show love of nature and beauty, but a researcher has limited his study to the poem "Leisure". The researcher has focused his attention upon the indifferent attitude of modern man towards nature and its beauty. Modern man's acute involvement in rat race has deprived him of real delights of life. His mechanical life has made him a slave of worldly desires and materialistic designs. The researcher has drawn stylistic analysis of the poem. LITERATURE REVIEW According to H.G widdowson "stylistics represents.