how work Calvin cycle
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The Calvin cycle is the cycle of chemical reactions performed by plants to “fix” carbon from CO2 into three-carbon sugars.
Later, plants and animals can turn these three-carbon compounds into amino acids, nucleotides, and more complex sugars such as starches.
This process of “carbon fixation” is how most new organic matter is created. The sugars created in the Calvin cycle are also used by plants for long-term energy storage, unlike ATP which is used up quickly after it is created.
These plant sugars can also become a source of energy for animals who eat the plants, and predators who eat those herbivores.
The Calvin cycle is also sometimes referred to as the “light independent” reactions of photosynthesis, since it is not powered directly by photons from the Sun. Instead, the Calvin cycle is powered by ATP and NADPH, which are created by harnessing the energy from photons in the light-dependent reactions.
Later, plants and animals can turn these three-carbon compounds into amino acids, nucleotides, and more complex sugars such as starches.
This process of “carbon fixation” is how most new organic matter is created. The sugars created in the Calvin cycle are also used by plants for long-term energy storage, unlike ATP which is used up quickly after it is created.
These plant sugars can also become a source of energy for animals who eat the plants, and predators who eat those herbivores.
The Calvin cycle is also sometimes referred to as the “light independent” reactions of photosynthesis, since it is not powered directly by photons from the Sun. Instead, the Calvin cycle is powered by ATP and NADPH, which are created by harnessing the energy from photons in the light-dependent reactions.
i think calvin cycle is dependent of light
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it consist of 4 process that is carboxylation reduction ,hexose formation and regeneration cfalvin cycle is waste process becouse of photorespiration take place in calvin cycle.
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