how would u justify the inevitable role of education and health for the human devolpment..
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for ECOSOC
Support and Coordination, 1 United Nations Plaza, Room DC1-1428, New York, N.Y.
10017, USA.
This book has been prepared by the Division for ECOSOC Support and
Coordination, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United
Nations. It draws upon the preparatory panels, debates and outcome of the
Economic and Social Council 2002 High-Level Segment on “The Contri-
bution of Human Resources Development, including in the Areas of Health
and Education, to the Process of Development”. The preparatory panels,
Ministerial Roundtables and Ministerial Roundtable Breakfasts were spon-
sored by the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), International La-
bour Organization (ILO), Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
(UNAIDS), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Division for Economic
and Social Affairs (DESA), United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Fund for International
Partnerships (UNFIP), UN Habitat, United Nations Industrial Develop-
ment Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),
United Nations Relief and Words Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near
East (UNRWA), United Nations University (UNU), World Bank, World
Food Programme (WFP), World Health Organization (WHO) and the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Their support is acknowl-
edged with thanks.
hope it helps you
make brainliest answer