How would you describe the perfect day?
The best answer gets the brainliest button...
Since anything and everything is possible on my "perfect" day, I would like to fulfill all my wishes at once.
A new day starts at 12 am. I mostly go to bed at around 2 am. In these two hours. I would go to see the 'sea of stars' at Vaadhoo Island and the Northern Lights in Norway.
Then, after returning home, I'll sleep for straight six hours and wake up at 8 am.
I am very much fond of tree tunnels and wish to see each one of them. Thus, I would set out to see all of them, and in the process, try to visit the major attractions of India, Japan and France.
Then I would time travel to the 1890s Galesburg. I don't know why but I found the description of this place in The Third Level very enchanting. I'll come back by 8 pm.
After that I would go out on the streets with a lot of gifts and food and distribute them to the needy people. This would continue till 10 pm.
Oh, I have taken care of almost all my wishes. Now what?
Two hours are still left.
Yes! I'll go for boating in a calm and peaceful lake.