how would you react to the statement that the electronegativity of N on Pauling scale is 3.0 in all the nitrogen compound
Even though pauli or whatever electronegativity scale , electronegativity of an atom in a compound is depends on the way atom is connected with other atom (like electronegativity of an atoms , bond lengths etc )
Illustrating this point with an example .
A) Pyradine .
Nitrogen of this compound is Sp2 hybridised
B ) primary amine
Nitrogen of this compound is sp3 hybridised
Because s character is more in pyradine , pyradine is less basic then primary amine .
What we understand from this example is that electronegativity of nitrogen is more in pyradine .
Concluding - electronegativity of an particular atom ( here nitrogen )can not be same for different compounds .
And electronegativity of nitrogen atom is 3, when atom exist in free environment (which is stated by pauli ).
#a thought for a moment .
#thanx .
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Wayne Peltier
Wayne Peltier, Master of Science Chemistry & Physical Chemistry (1982)
Answered Jul 25, 2018 · Author has 1.1k answers and 659.2k answer views
Originally Answered: How would you react to the statement that the electronegativity of N on the Pauling scale is 3.0 in all the nitrogen compound?
Electronegativity is a teaching tool. It is not good in practice.
Schupf Computational Chemistry Lab Nitric Oxide
Schupf Computational Chemistry Lab Carbon Monoxide
Schupf Computational Chemistry Lab Water
Schupf Computational Chemistry Lab Ammonia
Water and Ammonia have partial charges consistent with electronegativity.
Nitric Oxide and Carbon Monoxide do not!
For them the charges are opposite what you would expect.
pauling scale is used to measure the electronegativity of all elements.there are 115 elements in the periodic table.
but electronegativity is not a measurable quantity.