English, asked by adesa8ba3ridcsijilli, 1 year ago

How you can create avereness regarding such thing?

aishu01: regardinng what ? please explain clearly


Answered by fanofvk
A simple board self-evaluation can be done by using the 3 Statements
Have we done our work in a way that will move our vision forward? Have we focused entirely on our mission, at the exclusion of our vision? How might we change our work to aim at that vision?
Have we done our work in a way that monitors to ensure we really are accomplishing our mission? And if not, how might we change our work to ensure we are indeed accomplishing that work?
Have we done our work in a way that adheres to the universally shared values at the core of our Values Statement? And if not, how might we change our work to ensure we are indeed walking our talk?

The board is the leader of the organization. If the board is assessing its own work in light of these 3 Statements, it is taking a huge step in reaching for the organization's highest potential to create an amazing community.
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