How you spent your lockdown?
Limit your news consumption
We are surrounded by news. From clicking on TV channels to opening a paper and even checking your timeline, we are faced with all the latest on the coronavirus. But while we need to stay in-the-know, it’s not healthy to sit and dwell on what is occurring in the world. After all, a lot of the news will drag down our mood. Therefore, it’s best to limit your news consumption. Decide on a time you will check in with what’s happening in the world and stick to it. For example, you could check the latest headlines first thing in the morning and after dinner in the evening.
Watch those boxsets/films you’ve been wanting to watch for ages
We all have a list of films and TV boxsets that we really want to watch, but we never make the time to see them. After all, we are normally very busy with our work and social life. So now during lockdown offers the perfect opportunity to catch up on these must-watch series and films. Write a list of ones you have wanted to see for ages and then make your way through the list.
Do a daily workout
It’s so important to stay active during lockdown. While you might struggle to have the energy for a workout, you will feel so much better for it afterwards. It will boost your mood and help you feel motivated to get on with the rest of your day. Whether you want to have a run around the block, do some yoga or even follow a class online, completing exercise every day will help you to stay healthy. I would highly recommend joining in with Youth Employment UK’s #StayInStepUp challenge, it’s a fantastic way to ensure you’re keeping your steps up while we’re stuck at home.
Check-in with your friends/family
We need to ensure we stay social during lockdown. You might feel like you are losing touch with close friends and family. But it’s so important that you stay motivated by checking in and having conversations with them all. A lot of people are using Facetime or Zoom to chat with their loved ones, but if you aren’t into speaking over video chat, a message a day will lift your spirits.
Pick up a new hobby
We can’t think of anything more rewarding than picking up a new hobby during lockdown. You can look back and think that you learnt that new skill during the pandemic. Whether you decide to learn a new language or even how to use an instrument, it’s a great way to spend your time wisely and will ensure you stay motivated so that you do accomplish the new skill by the end of lockdown.
Remember to treat lockdown as a great time to work on you.
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