English, asked by nisha9332, 11 months ago

How your generation is different from your parents generation? Write a composition.


Answered by crystinia

Topic: How is Our Generation different from our Parents?

We were the lucky ones who could see this awesome world! But wait, did we ever think about the possibility of this awesome experience? Yes, our parents have made it possible for us to examine this life, this world. We changed our calendars, changed our houses,changed our locations but is the way of living is changed compared to our parents?

Yes! Its a Huge Change! We can list out many changes but what were the main Highlighted changes? Obviously the most Highlighting one will be the  change of experience! We are unlucky to experience those things which our parents could do. We find different technology now but, did we find them before? Not really. So, We have made a rapid change in our self and in the present generation.

I do remember Kho-Kho played on the galis (lanes) and of course those marbles which used to get broken easily. These games were so interesting at that time, people were strong and appeared physically active. Those days where our grandparents used to work in the field for some paddy was miserable! Eating those Chapatis were just a bore but, Chapati kept them healthy. Rice was like a feast! Eating fruits from the forest would be now just in stories but yes it was a truth! They ate fresh fruits. Trees appeared green and they were in large population.  Education lacked behind but at that  situation education didn't played a piece of importance. Superstitions were endless. Experience of some wild animals used to be a usual thing.

Those Memories which we could see in pictures or albums were really interesting. But, Now we can see Football Kho-kho are played today on Mobile phones. Young children get obsessed and physically inactive. Nowadays we find a million opportunities for jobs, There are many types of fields through which a man can earn now. Pizza, burger, Chips and junk foods just spoiled our body. The fruits which we get are being grown through pesticides and perishable items like chicken are being injected and are sold. This is something hazardous for our health. Trees can be an endangered living thing. We are cutting trees and increasing economic buildings and growth. Population is increased. Education developed a lot of importance and is acting very well! Superstitions are growing weak since Science came up with scientific reasons.  Some Animals are been Homeless. Places are being polluted more and the natural beauty of our environment is decreasing. However Awareness and a solution for this is on progress.

The height of technology rose so much that it is resulting into a differentiation between our generation and our parent's and grandparents. Changes in the lifestyle will continue but the color of our blood will remain the same! Humanity should be followed now and then! We mustn't try to end the traditional things which are being followed and are good. Humans can be well with environment if they take major steps and put hands together for a contributing Success! Let us Improve our next Generation because "Generations are just a category of some souls who together wish to save many souls at any cost, even for the Donation of their own souls."


Hope this Helps! :)

nisha9332: thanks
nisha9332: is it your own creation
crystinia: Yes it is :)
nisha9332: which class are u
BrainlyTech: Great Answer Crystinia! Keep up the good work!
crystinia: Thank you Dear :)
Answered by yumulkarille


         There are vast differences between my generation and my parents’ generations. My generation’s thinking is related to our nation as well as the whole world, but my parent’s generation was restricted to their family and native country. Nowadays, we are living in a world that is constantly changing, so we have to adapt ourselves to interacting with people from different generations. Consequently, the differences between our generations appear in three major areas: communication, education, and lifestyle.

    One of the most obvious differences between people in my generation and people in my parents' generation is how they communicate. People in my generation are used to connecting with each other almost immediately. For example, if young people want to contact their friends that live in different countries, they usually contact them by using their mobile phones. Teenagers in the new generation spend most of their time chatting with their friends on their mobile phones or chatting online more than doing anything else. On the other hand, people from my parents' generation are accustomed to writing letters to contact friends that are far away. Furthermore, they like to deal with other people face to face. All in all, people in my generation communicate differently than people in the older generation.

    In addition, another great difference between people in my generation and my parents' generation is education. Most people in my generation tend to have at least a bachelor’s degree. In other words, they cannot work until they have an appropriate education. In contrast, people in the older generation did not have a lot of opportunities to study. In the past, only rich people would have the opportunities to study. Also, people in the older generation focused more on working than studying. Thus, people in my generation have a higher education than people in my parents' generation. And to be more specific, my generation in Saudi Arabia has the opportunity to study abroad. Our government gives scholarship to almost everyone in any fields. This is in contrast with my parents' generation when the scholarship program was only for the people who had a high position in the military.

    The last difference between people that are my age and people that are my parents' age is lifestyle. People in my generation enjoy easier lives. For example, when some young people graduate from university, they may not have to work immediately. They can sit around at home and do nothing because their parents are willing to support them. Furthermore, people that are my age are able to make up their minds spontaneously. They do not have to be concerned too much about their future plans. On the other hand, people in my parents’ generation tended to have harder lives. When they wanted something, they had to work really hard to achieve it. To sum up, people of my generation have more comfortable lives than those of my parent’s generation.

           In conclusion, communication, education, and lifestyle are the primary differences between my generation and my parents’ generation. Each generation has its own unique advantages and drawbacks, but the most important thing is that every generation gives valuable lessons to the next generation.


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