Computer Science, asked by kalkatmeet01, 10 months ago

HTML document is saved using ... extension


Answered by tishagupta10


An HTML file is nothing more than plain ASCII text, but all HTML files must have a special file extension for web browsers to recognize them. This extension is either . htm OR .

Answered by ravilaccs


An HTML file is nothing more than plain ASCII text, but all HTML files must have a special file extension for web browsers to recognize them. This extension is either . htm OR . html.


It's a text document saved with the extension .html or .htm that contains texts and some tags written between "< >" which give the instructions needed to configure the web page.

These tags are fixed and definite and will be currently explained in the tutorials when applied and needed.

Every HTML document includes two parts:

  • one part that is visible to/in the browser and can't be changed directly and that shows the entire content of the page.
  • another part that contains the source code of the page with which we can modify the HTML document. This part is the one we'll work with.

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