Huge interests-groups lobby the government for access to these raw materials at low rates.Explain it???
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Analyze how interest groups provide a means for political participation
Discuss recent changes to interest groups and the way they operate in the United States
Explain why lower socioeconomic status citizens are not well represented by interest groups
Identify the barriers to interest group participation in the United States
Interest groups offer individuals an important avenue for political participation. Tea Party protests, for instance, gave individuals all over the country the opportunity to voice their opposition to government actions and control. Likewise, the Occupy Wall Street movement also gave a voice to those individuals frustrated with economic inequality and the influence of large corporations on the public sector. Individually, the protestors would likely have received little notice, but by joining with others, they drew substantial attention in the media and from lawmakers (Figure). While the Tea Party movement might not meet the definition of interest groups presented earlier, its aims have been promoted by established interest groups. Other opportunities for participation that interest groups offer or encourage include voting, campaigning, contacting lawmakers, and informing the public about causes.