Human digestive system class 10
we eat various types of food which has two passes through the same digestive tract naturally the food has to be produced to generate particles which are small and of the same touch this is achieved by crushing the food with our teeth since the lining of the canal is of the food is also be to to make his passes smooth when only water but that fluid called salivary separated by the salivary gland and other aspect of the food which incident is ia contains an enzyme called salary and learns the break dance steps which is a complex molecules to g food was taken to the stomach through the food pipe for oesophagus the stomach is a large organ which explain when food enters its the muscular was of the stomach helps in mixing the food through cli with more digestive juices the digestion in stomach is taken care of by the gastric glands present in the Wall of the stomach the square of the by the gastric glands present in the Wall of the stomach this release Hyderabad lauric acid a protein digestive enzyme called 15 and discuss the role as a creates an acidic medium which facilitates the action of the enzyme pepsin what other function to do you think is avoided by the acid the protects the inner lining of the stomach from the action of the acid and the normal conditions we have afternoon heard about acidity can this be related to what has been discussed about the exit of food from the stomach is regulated by the specific muscle which releases it in small amount into the largest largest time small intestine from the stomach the food now enters the small intestine this is the largest part of the alimentary canal which is filtered into a space because of actions involving the length of the small intestine difference in various animals depending on the food they eat eat grass media longer small intestine to allow the sellers to be digested meat is easier to digest has coronavirus life tigers have a shorter small intestine
- the small intestine is the site of the complete digestion of carbohydrates proteins and fats it receives the secretion of the liver and pancreas for this purpose the food coming from the stomach is acidic and has to be made our kind for the pancreatic enzymes to at bile juice from the liver accomplishes this in addition to a acting and fats facts are present in the intestine in the food for large g