English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Human greed for material things, desires are increasing day by day. People don’t feel satisfied
with what they have. Write an article entitledn‘Satisfaction is the Need of 21st Century’,
highlighting the importance of satisfaction in limited resources. Suggest some ways.​


Answered by BiswaShresikha


If everyone just understood that happiness is only found from within instead of from outside of us, then there would be no reason why anyone would need anything more.

Think about it: When you are happy, do you really need more in your life? When you are genuinely excited, enthusiastic and in love with life, are you not satisfied as well?

The concerns come in when people do not think about their life and blame the world for not making them happy, thinking it is not in their control.

This learned helplessness in combination with a blame-driven approach to handle the world leads people to always desire more. They are not in control but think they deserve what others deserve.

Yet they are stuck in a negative cycle where they will not do more for what they think they deserve and stay entitled to think they will get more eventually. Until that point they will not do more for it.

This leaves them feeling unsatisfied all the time, because they should get more, but they are not, yet they aren’t doing anything more to get what they should get, because even then they should get even more.

The simple solution to this is to realize that you are not entitled to anything.

No one owes you anything. Not your partner, your family, not life, the universe or even god. No one owes you. Meaning you do not deserve more than you are currently getting.

If you want more, you have to work for it. But keep chasing the butterfly and it will never come to you.

Realize that you are getting everything you deserve right now. Whatever it is you are getting out is an exact replication of what you put in.

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