human height and skin colour is
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is contributed from parent if ur father is dominant in u then ur height and color will be like ur father and if mom is dominant then height will like mom
skin color in some places also varies with location and people around
skin color in some places also varies with location and people around
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human height in skin colour is contributed from parent if your father is dominant in you then your height and colour will be like your father and if your mom is dominant then height will like your mom
polygenic inheritance: human skin colour is a good example of polygenic that is multiple gene inheritance. The recessive alleles of these three genes A, B and C control light pigmentation because lower amounts of melanin are produced
polygenic inheritance: human skin colour is a good example of polygenic that is multiple gene inheritance. The recessive alleles of these three genes A, B and C control light pigmentation because lower amounts of melanin are produced
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