Human Resources
Key Terms
agar composition.
area of land
density of population the number of people living in a unit
Human beings are the greatest resource because
present on the Earth. During ancient period, all
the number of people ineachage group
human resources
the number of baths every year for
every 1,000 people in the population population composto
of a place
population distribution
the number of deaths every year for
every 1,000 people in the population
of a place
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are two factors which decide the distribution of
they can develop and use all other resources population- (a) Physical factors () Non-phy
The works were done manually, so the concept was
simple that countries having more population
were strong and powerful. But after the industrial
revolution and with the advent of modern
technology, the trend changed. Now, people who
are more skillful trained and creative are an asset
They know how to use natural resources and lead
a good life with a good standard of living for
themselves and for others too
Skill is simply defined as the capability and
Distribution of World Population
capacity to develop natural resources into useful
products. Natural resources and human Wonderful To Know
resources together lead to the development and
The Cavement of India has a
progress of the country,
Ministry of Human Resouro
Development. The ministry was
created in 1985 with the aim of
The population of the world is not evenly
Improving people's
distributed Population distribution is simply
defined as the pattern in which people are spread Physical factors
or distributed all over the world. People give first
preference to those areas which are rich in natural
resources productive and are accessible. There
Relief And Topography Reeland
play a crucial role Most of the
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