Human rights non-governmental organisations: protection and promotion of human rights in india
A human rights group, or human rights organization, is a non-governmental organization which advocates for human rights through identification of their violation, collecting incident data, its analysis and publication, promotion of public awareness while conducting institutional advocacy, and lobbying to halt these violations.
Like other NGOs, human rights groups are defined in their characteristics by legal, including taxation, constraints under which they operate, such as[1]
1. is 'non-governmental' meaning that it is established by private initiative, is free from governmental influence, and does not perform public functions.
2. has an aim that is not-for-profit, meaning that if any profits are earned by the organisation they are not distributed to its members but used in the pursuit of its objective,
3. does not use or promote violence or have clear connections with criminality, and
4. has a formal existence with a statute and a democratic and representative structure, and does normally, but not necessarily, enjoy legal personality under national law.
What distinguishes a human rights group from other political elements of any given society is that while political advocates usually seeking to protect only the rights of their own constituents, a human rights group seeks to defend the same rights for all members of that or any other society.