English, asked by vds65, 11 months ago

humans are the dangerous animals in the planet . justify​


Answered by saisha2492006

If you think about it that animals kill for food & feeling threatened for their babies. Plus animals, since the beginning of human existence, we have hunted them for more than just food. Leaving their animal parts behind for all to experience. I am not against hunting for life sustaining purposes of course. Animals get aggressive for their survival.

Humans kill for more reasons there are possible in heaven and on earth. I actually heard from a criminal, that it was for the thrill and high of it. Of course that is an extreme case that is not normal thought of humanity. Thank heavens. But mostly a murder is from greed and passion.

Not only to each other beating hearts created, we damage our world around us. Where we must depend on for life, we use up it's resources and leave waste that suffocates its life force. Humanity does more damage to ourselves. It has taken us since the first cell of life to realize what we have to do to try and repair the scars we leave. That's not from the majority of people who do the work yet.

There is also the fact that we have walked away singularly from caring of the tribe of humans to the me, me, me generations. We think nothing of help thy neighbor as we would ourselves. Or love they neighbor.

I do sound really jaded don't I. It's just what we have done but I always believe people learned to wall up their hearts from so much??? There is a large movement to have compassion for each other and earth. I could say learning tolerance for people but the word “tolerance” sounds like putting up with an uncomfortable situation. Instead of the other description the disposition to allow freedom and change. I think that might be a generational thing too. We need to relearn to at least care for and about our fellow people. I believe in our hope in stamping down the prejudice thought to expand our hearts and souls.

To summarize, humans do things for themselves mostly. Animals do things from instincts, learned condition for survival.

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