Humour is mankind's greatest blessing. justify
Humour is indeed the greatest blessing for mankind. There are many reasons that justify this statement. It makes a person more endearing, arms him with the ability to handle whatever life dishes out to him and even helps in establishing a healthy lifestyle.
Humour is considered a pleasant quality for individuals to possess. A get together with friends and family would not be complete if humour was missing from it. It helps people bond better and form cordial relations. A humourous person often finds himself being the centre of attention, primarily because others enjoy being around him. It infuses the atmosphere with positivity, besides adding to the person’s idea of self worth.
Modern life is very stressful and full of challenges and setbacks, whether it is at work, in school or at home. An individual faces multiple sets of demands, many of which he may or may not be able to fulfill. This leads to negativity. On the contrary, when a person goes about his life with a great sense of humour, he is better able to focus on the positive aspects. Thus, humour makes a person psychologically stronger and better able to deal with the ups and downs of life.
Additionally, it is a known fact that humour contributes to good health. The numerous laughter clubs that have mushroomed worldwide are founded on the premise that laughter (and hence humour) is a must for maintaining good health. The very act of laughing brings about changes in the body that help the body function better.
Further, any individual can be humorous, making it an attribute that is beyond discrimination of any kind. Humour thus is a great equalizer of mankind as well.
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