India Languages, asked by kalyanimukkala2, 6 months ago

Hunter and pegion story in telugu​


Answered by cool5257boy


పావురములు – వేటగాడు నీతి కధ

April 1, 2019 by Jo Jo Kids

The Hunter & The Pigeons Telugu Story పావురములు – వేటగాడు నీతి కధ 3D Kids Panchatantra Moral Stories

In This Story There Lives a huse Pigeons in the forest. There is old pigeon in the group. One day they all went out to eat grains. they searching a lot. after some time they got a place which is covered with full of grains. they all felt happy and the old pigeon said that no don’t do there may be it is the hunter plan there will be a danger. but the other pigeons did not listen and went immediately and ate all grains. after some time the hunter came to collect the pigeons, the pigeons saw him and tried to fly but they are struck on the net. they all asked for the old pigeon. then the old pigeon advised that fly all at once with the net. this time all pigeons listened the old pigeon and they do the same and flew away… after they took the rat help to extract the net from their legs. the rat helped them and all pigeons thanked old pigeon and rats.This #hunterpigeonstory telling best morals to learn for kids with #moralstories and #telugustories for kids

Answered by sanjbelpawar66


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