English, asked by mirshaymol, 4 months ago

HW: Section -C (Question No - 3)
HW / Assignment: Read the beginning of the story. Write 10 new sentence to complete
শ্রেণিঃ ৯ম
অধ্যায় ও বিষয়বস্তুর শিরােনাম: (১) কপােতাক্ষ নদ
নির্ধারিত কাজঃ
একজন দেশপ্রেমিক নাগরিকের ১০ টি গুণ দশ বাক্যে প্রকাশ কর
বি.দ্র, উত্তরগুলাের বিষয়বস্তু সঠিক হতে হবে। বাক্য গঠন ও বানান শুদ্ধ হবে।
Sub: English
Unit and Title of the lesson:
Unit-1: Lesson - 4: Responsibilities HW: Section-C
Unit- 4: Lesson-1: The Ferryboat
Unit-4: Lesson - 4: The Story of Lipi
the story in a way you would like.
, a young girl of 14 is a student of a class nine of Noapara Girls High school, Noapara.
She was a poor girl but had an aspiration to help her family for a better life on her way to school,
a boy named Alam use to tease her very often. But she did not get frustrated
বি. দ্র. শিক্ষকগণ তােমাদের ইংরেজি বানান, গ্রামারটিক্যাল কোন ভুল আছে কিনা তা ভালভাবে যাচাই করবেন, তাই তোমরা
তােমাদের লেখায় বানান ও গ্রামারে সচেতন থাকবে।
বিষয়ঃ রসায়ন
১ম অধ্যায়ঃ রসায়নের ধারণা।
২য় অধ্যায়ঃ পদার্থের অবস্থা
৩য় অধ্যায়ঃ পদার্থের গঠন
নির্ধারিতি কাক্সঃ হাতে কলমে কাজের মাধ্যমে খাদ্য লবন ও বালু মিশ্রণ থেকে উপাদান সমূহ পৃথক কর এবং নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর
তর দাওঃ
এ পরীক্ষণে কোন কোন পদ্ধতি ব্যাবহার করা হয়েছে?
পরে ধারবাহিক বর্ণনা কর।​


Answered by singhrorboy56


What is the life expectancy in India as per the census of 2000?Which one is an economic activity in the following?Which one is an economic activity in the following?

(a) Work of Nurse at her home (b) Work of Doctor at their home

(c) Work of Teacher in the school (d) None of the aboveThe number of females per thousand males refers to :38. which one is odd in the following (with reference to population) :Decrease in IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) of a country signifies:Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher education from 6% to :What is the life expectancy in India as per the census of 2000Infant mortality rate in 2001 was What is the expended form of PHCWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolFrom the following in which fields is disguised unemployment found?Which one from the following is the most labour absorbing sector?Which one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolTenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher education from 6% to :Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher education from 6% to :Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher education from 6% to :Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher education from 6% to :Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher education from 6% to :Infant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the age ofIf a person cannot find jobs during some months of the year, which type of employment Disguised unemployment when the number of persons working on a farm isDisguised unemployment when the number of persons working on a farm isDisguised unemployment when the number of persons working on a farm isDisguised unemployment when the number of persons working on a farm isInfant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the age ofThe persons who are not working by their own willing is covered underThe persons who are not working by their own willing is covered underThe persons who are not working by their own willing is covered underThe persons who are not working by their own willing is covered underWhat is the life expectancy in India as per the census of 2000?Which one is an economic activity in the following?Which one is an economic activity in the following?

(a) Work of Nurse at her home (b) Work of Doctor at their home

(c) Work of Teacher in the school (d) None of the above38. which one is odd in the following (with reference to population) :The number of females per thousand males refers to :38. which one is odd in the following (with reference to population) :38. which one is odd in the following (with reference to population) :Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher education from 6% to :What is the life expectancy in India as per the census of 2000Infant mortality rate in 2001 was What is the aim of Sarva Siksha AbhiyanWhich one from the following is the most labour absorbing sector?From the following in which fields is disguised unemployment found?What is the literacy rate of India as per 2011 census?4% (d) 70%

Q.25. What is the sex-ratio of India According to 2001 censusIf a person cannot find jobs during some months of the year, which type of employment The persons who are not working by their own willing is covered underInfant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the age ofForestry and dairy are related to which?Forestry and dairy are related to which?Forestry and dairy are related to which?Which one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


(a) To sand their children to the schoolWhich one of the following is considered important to create a 'virtuous cycle' by the


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