hyy guys!! gm∆∆∆!!
why there is a danger of blowing away of thatched roofs in summer??? plzz answercorrectly......
GUD MRNG!!!! (♥ω♥*)(♥ω♥*)♡(∩o∩)♡
During summer, due to sun rays and heat, water content in thatched roofs will go off and it will become very dry. Due to this, the weight of the thatched leaves will come down drastically and will blowing away even for small wind. """High-speed winds reduce the air pressure above the roof.
in India specially village areas people all peoples house are covered with thatched roof they are made of dried grass or maybe the rice plant that are eaten by cows this are very helpful to us because prevent us from the rays of Sun and also from the rain.
in India specially village areas people all peoples house are covered with thatched roof they are made of dried grass or maybe the rice plant that are eaten by cows this are very helpful to us because prevent us from the rays of Sun and also from the rain.different type wire rope in their proof holded by a bamboo stem.
in India specially village areas people all peoples house are covered with thatched roof they are made of dried grass or maybe the rice plant that are eaten by cows this are very helpful to us because prevent us from the rays of Sun and also from the rain.different type wire rope in their proof holded by a bamboo stem.it is also dangerous as they may cause breathing problem they may get in anybody's know because this just vertical so small if it is also get in eyes very very dangerous and this make of weather difficulties just think you are sitting in a room and your roof is made up of a thatched roof because of rain and strong winds thatched roof blowing distance places and their rain will come your home this are commonly put in on mud houses.
in India specially village areas people all peoples house are covered with thatched roof they are made of dried grass or maybe the rice plant that are eaten by cows this are very helpful to us because prevent us from the rays of Sun and also from the rain.different type wire rope in their proof holded by a bamboo stem.it is also dangerous as they may cause breathing problem they may get in anybody's know because this just vertical so small if it is also get in eyes very very dangerous and this make of weather difficulties just think you are sitting in a room and your roof is made up of a thatched roof because of rain and strong winds thatched roof blowing distance places and their rain will come your home this are commonly put in on mud houses. this is made up of dried grass thunder strike in the roof it will go to the soil as mud put them in soil.
maybe in summer because of the sun rays coming from the sun mame make the room very heavy. and maybe it getting in your house and maybe it will put you in death.
that's why it is dangerous.