(i) (44267 +59282) + 2854 = 44267 + (59282 + 5
2. Add the following pairs and compare their sum
(a) 43543 + 16253 and 16253 + 43543
(b) 33560 + 678336 and 678336 + 33560
(C) 657678 +78689 and 78689 +657678
(d) 123407 + 2839 and 2839 + 123407
Teacher's Note
Step-by-step explanation:
Integer Representation
Bit-- Binary Digit
1 byte = 8 bits
1 word = 2 bytes
Integer takes up two bytes; can be signed or unsigned.
Unsigned Integers
Can represent whole numbers from 0 to 65,535
(0 to 216 - 1).
In binary, this is from
02 to 11111111111111112
Internally, binary representation of decimal value as 16 bits.
Signed Integers
Need to reserve one bit for the sign.
Three ways:
1's Complement
2's Complement
Uses most significant bit of the word to represent the sign.
0 - Positive
1 - Negative.
Rest of the number is encoded in magnitude part
37 = 00000000 00100101
-37 = 10000000 00100101
6712 = 00011010 00111000
-6712 = 10011010 00111000
Can represent numbers from -32,767 to 32,767.
-215+1 .. 215-1
But, two representations for zero:
0 = 00000000 00000000
-0 = 10000000 00000000
Arithmetic can be cumbersome.
1's Complement
Negative number is stored as bit-wise complement of corresponding positive number.
Leftmost bit of positive number is 0. That of negative number is 1.
196 = 00000000 11000100
-196 = 11111111 00111011
Can represent numbers from -32,767 to 32,767.
-215+1 .. 215-1
Arithmetic is easier than sign-magnitude.
But, still have two representations for zero:
0 = 00000000 00000000
-0 = 11111111 11111111
2's Complement
Modern Method
Positive number represented in same way as other two methods
Negative number obtained by taking 1's Complement of positive number and adding 1.
6713 = 00011000 00011101
1's Comp = 11100111 11100010
2's Comp = 11100111 11100011
Word integer can represent numbers from -32,768 to 32,767.
-215 .. 215-1
Byte integer can represent numbers from -128 to 127.
-27 .. 27-1
One version of zero:
00000000 00000000
Conversion of Byte Integer to Word
Sign Extension
Copy sign bit of the byte into all the bits of the upper byte of the word.
37 = 00100101 -> 00000000 00100101
-37 = 11011011 -> 11111111 11011011
converts the signed byte in AL to a word in AX
Conversion of Word Integer to Byte
Remove upper byte of word. Retain only the lower byte.
Meaningful only if original number can be represented by a byte.
Integer Arithmetic (1's Comp and 2's Comp)
Addition: Simply add the two binary representations.
Subtraction: Find negative of one number, add to the second.
Addition in 1's Comp
Add binary representations of the two numbers.
If there is a carry, add it back in on the right side.
51 00110011
+ (-37) + 11011010
1 00001101
+ 1
14 00001110
Addition in 2's Comp
Add binary representations of the two numbers.
Disregard the carry.
51 00110011
+ (-37) + 11011011
14 1 00001110
Subtraction in 2's Comp
If two numbers have different signs, their sum will never overflow.
If they have the same sign, they might overflow.
Overflow has occurred if sign of result is different than sign of addends.
Addition, Subtraction, Increment, Decrement, & Negation
add/sub reg/mem, reg/mem/constant
Both operands must be the same size
At most, one operand may be from memory
inc/dec reg/mem
operands may be either byte or word
neg reg/mem
Negates its byte or word operand
Apple := Banana * Cherry
mov AX, Banana
imul Cherry
mov Apple, AX
DX contains all sign bits (hopefully)
Apple := Banana / Cherry
mov AX, Banana
idiv Cherry
mov AX, Apple
remainder is in DX