I am a fraction. my numerator is a single digit odd number. my denominator is a single digit that is four times greater than my numerator. what fraction am I
There is only one possible outcome: 1/4
The numerator of the fraction is a single-digit odd number.
The denominator of the fraction is a single digit that is four times greater than my numerator.
To find:
The fraction
The fraction is 1/4.
We can find the fraction by following the steps given below-
We know that the fraction consists of a numerator and a denominator.
As per the information given, the number is a single-digit odd number.
The possible numerators are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
Now, the denominator is 4 times greater than the numerator.
So, the denominator can be 1×4, 3×4, 5×4, 7×4, 9×4.
= 4, 12, 20, 28, 36
But, the denominator is also a single-digit number.
So, the denominator is 4.
If the denominator is 4, its corresponding numerator has to be 1 to meet the given conditions.
The fraction= numerator/denominator
Therefore, the fraction is 1/4.