English, asked by christianadzouza, 7 hours ago

i am always a girl who like to enjoy my life in modern way, in modern places, wearing modern dress , modern food and more...and my parents allow me...​


Answered by HasanTahir


what is the question in this

Answered by hayatarekayad22


in order to convince them, you must first figure out why they are stopping you. Is it because they think such dresses are indecent and are worried what other people will think? Or are they worried about your safety.

You need to talk to them calmly and have a discussion—not an argument. I’m not saying you’re very young and not qualified to make decisions for yourself, but sometimes our parents are right too. You need to figure out a middle ground.

Situation A) They think it’s not safe to show so much skin: Sometimes parents know best, and while they might be acting a little over protective, there is some truth to their logic. I’m 19 and a college going student and even today my mum sometimes advises me against wearing certain outfits. It all depends on where you are going and with whom. Assure your parents you will be safe. That you won’t talk to strangers. Tell them you will be with your friends at all times and that that you’ll call them in every couple of hours.

Trust me, most of us have gone through this situation, especially since we’re girls. Our parents are just worried. You need to convince them you’re going to be safe, and that showing a little extra skin will not be dangerous.

You don’t need to wear that sort of thing everywhere. For example, if you’re going to some place that doesn’t have a decent crowd, or somewhere where it’d not be normal to wear that, then don’t wear it. If you’re going to a mall or a party or someplace like that, tell your parents it’s perfectly okay to wear it because everyone else would be wearing that too, so it wouldn’t be like you’re the only one who is in any sort of danger. But if you’re going to some place (like a place where a lot of shady people hang out) avoid wearing that. You won’t feel comfortable anyway when strangers stare at you.

Situation B) They think showing skin is inappropriate and indecent: Now this is something that will require much discussion. You’ll have to find ways to convince them that it’s not wrong to show our skin. It’s just…skin. Our legs, stomach and arms aren’t indecent, sexual organs, but a part of our body and everybody has them.

All the same, it might be a difficult task as not all parents are ready to understand this. In which case, yup, you’ll have to sneak around. If you go shopping by yourself, buy those clothes and hide them. Or you can always order things online and give your friend’s address and then take it from them later. Crop tops and shorts are small clothing pieces, you can always hide them underneath other clothes and when the time comes you can remove whatever you’re wearing over it. As for dresses, again, you’ll have to sneak them in, and change later. Here’s an idea, you can tell your parents you’re going to a friend’s place first to dress up before you leave for the party. Show them a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Then sneak in that dress in your bag and change at your friend’s place. Simple!

What can we say, sometimes parents do act irrational.

But if you don’t like lying to your parents, talk to them and ask them when you’ll be allowed to wear such clothes. Maybe they want you to wait 2–3 years before you start wearing them.

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