English, asked by k17184045, 1 month ago

I am going to take plenty of books a deck of cards and a radio.,where will be the ,


Answered by MizzFlorence

Yes, absolutely. We had time to read and think more deeply about things. There were plenty of newspapers, radio and the nightly TV news had most of the news we needed.

Now, we get news we don't need and get spu.n up by the net.works and the internet. Take a look at Yo.utube and see how much of the content being pushed to you is f.ake, childish and just plain st.upid.

We didn't interact with as many people, so we didn't know what most people were thinking. We lived in a world where we didn't realize how many stu.pid people there were out there. The news had more stories of the accomplishments of humanity. Now we see the dregs of humanity packaged as news.

Libraries were cool back then. We knew how to write using a pen and paper. We used to write letters.

hope it helps

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