Math, asked by Secret11, 1 year ago

I am in 10th and I an writing my math board exam tomorrow.... I would also like to tell all the best to all those who are going to face it tomorrow..... Can u please tell some tips about statistics chapter because I will take a lot of time just to complete one sum of that and can u even tell me which method I can use so that I can do it fast I need for both grouped and ungrouped data...... ????


Answered by abhijithdethp63g10
as a student of class x cbse i as a friend advice u to study at leat four years question paper. as per lessons

Unit I: Number Systems


Real Numbers


Euclid’s division lemma; The fundamental theorem of arithmetic; Terminating/Non-terminating recurring decimals.


Unit II: Algebra




Zeroes and coefficients of the quadratic polynomials, Division algorithm for polynomial


Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables


Algebraic method of solving the pair of linear equation-by substitution, by elimination & by cross multiplication method; Equations reducible to linear equations.


Quadratic Equations


Standard form of quadratic equation; Solutions of quadratic equations by factorization, by completing the square; Nature of roots


Arithmetic Progressions


Introduction; Derivation of the nth term and sum of the first n terms of an A.P.


Unit III: Coordinate Geometry




Graph of linear equations; Distance Formula, Section formula; Area of the triangle.


Unit IV: Geometry




Similar figures; Similar triangles-(Prove) If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio; If a line divides two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, the line is parallel to the third side; Basic proportionality theorem; Criteria of similarity; Area of similar triangles; Pythagoras theorem and its converse.




Tangent to a circle and its construction; Number of tangent from a point to a circle;




Division of line segment; Construction of similar triangle; Constructions of tangents to a circle.


Unit V: Trigonometry


Introduction to trigonometry


Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle; Values of the trigonometric ratios of 30°, 45°, and 60°. The relationship between ratios.


Trigonometric identities


Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles; Proof and applications of the identities.


Heights and Distances


The angle of elevation; Angle of depression; Problems based on angles including only 30°, 45°, 60°.


Unit VI: Mensuration


Areas related to Circles


Motivate the area of a circle; area of sectors and segments of a circle. Problems based on the areas and perimeter of the plane figures.


Surface Areas and Volumes


Surface areas and volumes of combinations of any two of the figures: cubes, cuboids, spheres, hemispheres and right circular cylinder/cones. Frustum of a cone; Conversion of one solid shape into another.


Unit VII: Statistics and Probability




Mean, median and mode of grouped data; Cumulative frequency graph.




Classical definition of probability; Simple problems on single events.

abhijithdethp63g10: all the best
Secret11: Thank u so much
Secret11: thanks for ur answer too
Secret11: statistics I don't have mean mode and median
Secret11: I have Co efficient of variation and variance
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