I am in class 8 :
What are the formulas [ not in syllabus just curious ] :
What is factorial of a number ?
What is binomial theorem ? [ please explain in simple language only please please ]
Class 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I learnt these in class 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sin 2A = 2 sin A × cos A
cos 2A = 2 cos² A - 1
tan ( A + B ) = ( tan A + tan B ) / ( 1 - tan A tan B )
sin ( A + B ) = sin A cos B + sin B cos A
cos ( A + B ) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B
Factorial ??? I learnt in class 6 XD
Factorial of a number is the multiplication of all positive integers before the number ...
5! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5
= 120
Remember 0 ! = 1
Also remember : n = n! / ( n - 1 )!
This means that : -1! does not exist
n! / n = ( n - 1 )!
- 1 ! = ( 0 ! ) / 0
= 1/0 = undefined
Negative integer's factorials do not exist .
Binomial theorem helps to multiply and expand an expression easily !
This is the formula of the Theorem !
Very hard ? Making it easy wait |!!!!!!
Hope it helps :-)
If you don't understand ask me !