I am the largest 5-digit number you can make that has all odd digits. My ten thousands digit is thrice my ones digit. My thousands digit is two more than my hundreds digit. What number am I?
Pls answer ^_^ Thank you
Answered by
The number is : 97593.
Ten thousand's digit - 9 - is 3 times the one's digit - 3.
Thousand's digit - 7 - is 2 more than hundred's digit - 5.
By the way, if we cannot repeat a numeral (like I have repeated 9), the number will be: 97513
Ten thousand's digit - 9 - is 3 times the one's digit - 3.
Thousand's digit - 7 - is 2 more than hundred's digit - 5.
By the way, if we cannot repeat a numeral (like I have repeated 9), the number will be: 97513
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