I. Answer these questions:
1. Write the values of the lower and upper fixed points of the Celsius scale and
Fahrenheit scale.
2. What is length? What are its units in the CGS and FPS systems?
3. What is mass? Mention three units of Mass.
4. Mention two scales of temperature used in everyday life?
5. What is the normal temperature of the human body?
A temperature scale is defined by choosing two fixed points whose values are easily reproducible. In the case of the Celsius scale, the lower point is the melting point of pure ice at normal atmospheric pressure and the upper fixed point is the boiling point of pure water at normal atmospheric pressure (1atm)(1atm).
Complete step by step answer:
A temperature scale is a unit of measurement to measure the temperature. Usually, scales of temperature are developed by first fixing two points, the upper limit and the lower limit of the scale. The temperature values of these two limits must be easily reproducible by some natural phenomenon. Then the scale is calibrated by making equal divisions between these two limits.
In the case of the Celsius (symbolized by 0C0C) scale, the upper fixed point is 1000C1000C .
This is the boiling point of pure water at normal atmospheric pressure (1atm1atm or 1.01325×105Pa1.01325×105Pa). This is easily reproducible since pure water at 1atm1atm The lower fixed point is 00C00C. This is the melting point of pure ice at normal atmospheric pressure (1atm)(1atm). This is also easily reproducible since pure ice at 1atm1atm always freezes at 00C00C.
1. Therefore, the lower and upper fixed points of the Celsius scale are 1000C and 00C respectively. Note: There are also other scales of temperature such as the Fahrenheit scale (0F) and the Kelvin (K) scale. The Kelvin scale is also known as the absolute scale of temperature and is the standard scale.
2. Length is measure of any path. It's CGS unit is centimeter and in FPS it's unit is feet.
3. The Metric System of Measurements uses the mass units: gram (g), kilogram (kg) and tonne (t).
4. There are three main scales commonly used in the world today to measure temperature: the Fahrenheit (°F) scale, the Celsius (°C) scale, and the Kelvin (K) scale.
5. Normal human body-temperature is the typical temperature range found in humans. The normal human body temperature range is typically stated as 36.5–37 °C. Human body temperature varies.