Social Sciences, asked by velmanmachines, 10 months ago

I attched the question so answer quik. Social science alone.



Answered by unknown1346

1)Use of alternative sources of power such as solar and wind energy. These alternative sources of energy are bio friendly particular because they do not produce harmful gases that damage the ozone layer. They are better compared to burning fossils such as coal and charcoal. They are also cheap to use, not easily depleted and are renewable.

2)Plant trees to prevent soil erosion. This entails planting trees and vegetation to control soil erosion caused by wind and water. Trees and vegetation are essential in the maintenance of the ecosystem. They also act as home for most insects, birds and some symbiotic plants. This creates a habitat for wildlife therefore conserving wildlife altogether.

3)Practicing of judicious ways to conserve water in our homes. This entails simple practices like ensuring that taps are closed when they are not in use. Taking less time in the shower aids to conserve gallons of water per month. Reusing some of the water for watering the kitchen gardens in our homes is also an important practice.

4)Use pipelines to transport oil. Many oil leaks are as a result of transporting oil using ships. The oil leaks are detrimental to the flora and fauna. Most of this species die as a result of this oil spills. Pipelines’ are examples of modern ways of transporting oil.

5)Growing of vegetation in catchment areas. Catchment areas act as a source of water that flows in the streams, rivers and oceans. Vegetation in the catchment areas allows for sufficient percolation of water into the deep soil layers allowing for the formation of ground water. Water is life. Protecting the catchment areas ensures that our taps do not run dry.

6)Treatment of industrial wastes and sewages before they are released in the water bodies.  Rapid industrialization has resulted to wastes that are harmful to the ecosystem. The release of these effluents directly into the water bodies has led to massive water pollution to some areas in the world especially in developing countries.  Therefore, industrial and human waste should be treated to prevent thermal and chemical pollution of water.

7)Rain harvesting. This is an important practice of ensuring water conservation. It is done by harvesting of rainwater during the wetter seasons of the year and using it during the dry seasons. This minimizes the usage of water from the water-bodies. The water can be used for irrigation in our farms and also watering the lawns in our homes.

8)Practice of in-situ or on site conservation of wildlife. This entails conservation of animals and plants in their natural habitats. It is also involves protecting the protected areas set aside. They include areas such as wildlife sanctuaries, parks, biosphere reserves among others. Certainly, this will help conserve the endangered plant and animal species.

9)Practice Ex-situ or offsite conservation of wildlife. It involves the conservation of animals and plants outside the natural habitats. These includes areas such as pollen banks , DNA banks, zoos, seed banks, botanical gardens, tissue culture banks among others.

10)Formulation of policies to regulations to curb poaching. Poachers continue to kill many animals such as elephants, rhinos, leopards for their horns and skin which are sold off in the black market. Poachers are a major threat to our biodiversity as they are slowly making some species extinct. These regulations will ensure that poaching is done away with.

11)Practice judicious ways of conservation energy. Such practices include switching off the lights when not in use, unplugging electrical appliances when not in use. Plugged-in appliances continue to use electricity even when not in use. Other practices include spending less time when taking hot showers.

12)Use of biogas in our homes. Around the World, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is the most rampant source of fuel in our homes today. Continued LPG use results to the depletion of the oil reserves, biogas is therefore an alternative. Biogas is mainly produced from cattle dung, biogas plants are a source of both biogas and manure.

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