English, asked by pqp288u09, 9 hours ago

I can be blown but I'm not a bubble eye drop but I am not at here I come in different shape but I am not a snowflake I come in different colours but I am not a cell phone I come from a trip but I am not an apple

Answer this correct please​


Answered by ripinpeace




hope this helps...

Answered by kaushanimisra97

Answer: The answer to the riddle is "leaf." A leaf can be blown by the wind, but it is not a bubble or an eye drop. It can come in different shapes and colors, but it is not a snowflake or a cell phone. It can come from a trip (on a tree or plant), but it is not an apple.

Explanation: A leaf is a thin, flat structure that grows on the stem of a plant. It is typically green in color due to the presence of chlorophyll, which helps the plant absorb sunlight and convert it into energy through the process of photosynthesis. Leaves come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be smooth or serrated along the edges. They are also able to move or "follow" the direction of the sun as it travels across the sky, which helps the plant maximize its exposure to sunlight. Leaves are an important part of a plant's anatomy, as they are responsible for collecting energy from the sun, releasing oxygen into the air, and storing water and nutrients.

In the riddle you provided, the leaf could potentially be used symbolically to represent something that is ever-changing or adaptable. The description of the leaf being "blown" by the wind and coming in different shapes and colors could suggest that it is constantly undergoing change and is not fixed in any one form. The fact that the leaf is not an apple, which is a specific, well-known type of fruit, could also symbolize the idea that the leaf is more open-ended and not as easily defined or categorized.

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