“I can’t break my promise”.
a) From which story are the above lines taken?
b) Who said these lines and to whom?
c) What promise had the speaker made?
d) Could the speaker keep the promise? Why?
a) The Rattrap
b) the rattrap seller
One evening the rattrap seller was walking very slowly. He saw a little gray cottage which stood by the road. He went up to the cottage and knocked at the door so as to get shelter for the night. Generally he was not helped by anyone but this time he was welcomed by the old man into his cottage. He was a lonely old man without wife and kids. The old man was happy to get company that night. So, the old man gave him some porridge to eat and then shared his tobacco with the guest. After this, both played cards till bedtime.
The old man was just as generous with his confidences as with his porridge and tobacco. The guest was informed at once that in his days of prosperity his host had been a crofter at Ramsjo Ironworks and had worked on the land. Now that he was no longer able to do day labour, it was his cow which supported him. Yes, that bossy was extraordinary. She could give milk for the creamery every day, and last month he had received all of thirty kronor in payment.