I can take care of myself in IMAX 8th class creative writing in conversation
Answer :
conversation of I can take care of myself :
Once upon a time , there was a mother rat who wanted to get her young daughter married to the most powerful being that she could find .
Mother rat : Who is the most powerful being on
the earth (she asked herself )
She saw the bright sun god travelling across the sky
Mother rat : Surely ,all beings depend on the sun .
The Sun god is the most powerful
being on the earth . (she thought )
'Are you the most powerful being on
the earth ?' (she asked the sun god )
Sun god : No , there is one greater than me to
help the creatures - it is the rain .
Without the rain , no crop or tree
would grow . There would be no water on
the earth . Just then , it began to rain .
Mother rat : "How wonderful the rain is ! it
makes the whole land green. it makes
the rivers flow .Surely , the rain god is
the most powerful being on this earth ".
the Mother rat went to the rain god
Mother rat : Are you the most powerful being on
this earth .
Rain god : 'No , there is one greater than me to
help the creatures - it is the mountain ⛰.