I.Choose the correct answer :
1. Party with lesser number of elected candidates are called the ___ party.
a. Majority party b. Minority party c. Opposition party d. Regional party
2. The head quarters of Election Commission of India is located in ___.
a. Chennai b. Calcutta c. New Delhi d. Bangalore
3. The ___ party forms and runs the government.
a. Majority party b. Minority party c. Opposition party d. Regional party
4. Single party system is found in ___.
a.India b. U.S.A c. France d. China
5. The member of a parliament or legislative assembly cabinet is called ____.
a. State Minister b. Cabinet Minister c. Council of Ministers d. Central Ministers
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Every party in the country has to register with _____.
2. ___ party promotes regional and state interest.
3. Effective opposition is essential for the successful operation of a ___.
4. Political parties serve as intermediaries between the ____ and ___.
5. ___ form the backbone of democracy.
III. Answer the following :
1. What is Opposition party?
2. Who are independent parties?
3. What are the three levels of political parties in India?
4. Write a note on Coalition Government.
5. Name the countries which follow Multi-party system.
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