English, asked by Golabhawna1999, 8 months ago

I could never forget the way Mariamma was humiliated in front of the entire village. The

more I thought about it, the more I felt sorry for her. And although I was filled with pity

on the one hand, I was filled with anger on the other. If only they had allowed the other

women who had gone to collect firewood with her to speak out at the assembly, all the

lies and the truth would have come out. Why were women pushed aside always and

everywhere? The question kept on churning inside me.

Patti could have spoken out at the village council: after all, she was present at most

households whenever a child was born; she was an overseer of women workers; she was

an important woman. It was the smaller children and young girls who could not be

expected to speak out. Telling myself this, I accosted Patti. ‘Patti,’ I said, ‘after all, you

are a big woman in this village, why couldn’t you have gone and spoken the truth that



Answered by smartbrainz

Translate the following prose piece into Hindi.


I could never forget the way Mariamma was humiliated in front of the entire village

पूरे गाँव के सामने मरियम्मा को अपमानित करने के तरीके को मैं कभी नहीं भूल सकता।

The more I thought about it, the more I felt sorry for her. And although I was filled with pity

जितना मैंने इसके बारे में सोचा, उतना ही मुझे उसके लिए अफ़सोस हुआ।

And although I was filled with pity, n the other hand, I was filled with anger on the others

और यद्यपि (एक तरफ) मैं दया से भर गया था, दूसरी ओर, मैं दूसरों पर क्रोध से भर गया।

If only they had allowed the other women, who had gone to collect firewood with her to speak out at the assembly, all the lies and the truth would have come out

यदि केवल उन्होंने उन अन्य महिलाओं को अनुमति देते थे, जो उनके साथ जलाऊ लकड़ी इकट्ठा करने गई थीं, सभा में बोलने के लिए, तो सब झूठ और सच सामने आ जाता

Why were women pushed aside always and everywhere? The question kept on churning inside me

महिलाओं को हमेशा हर जगह एक तरफ क्यों धकेला जातI? यह प्रश्न मेरे अंदर आलोड़न रहा

Paatti could have spoken out at the village council: after all, she was present at most households whenever a child was born; she was an overseer of women workers; she was an important woman

पाटी ग्राम सभा में बोल सकती थी: आखिरकार, जब भी कोई बच्चा पैदा होता था, वह ज्यादातर घरों में मौजूद रहती थी; वह महिला श्रमिकों की देखरेख करने वाली थी; वह एक महत्वपूर्ण महिला थी

It was the smaller children and young girls who could not be expected to speak out.

यह छोटे बच्चे और युवा लड़कियाँ थीं जिनसे बात करने की उम्मीद नहीं की जा सकती थी।

Telling myself this, I accosted Patti. ‘Patti,’ I said, ‘after all, you are a big woman in this village, why couldn’t you have gone and spoken the truth that day?’

अपने आप को यह बताते हुए, मैंने पाटी को आरोपित किया।l "पाटी", मैंने कहा, "आखिरकार, आप इस गाँव की बड़ी महिला हैं, आप उस दिन क्यों नहीं गये और सच बोला?"

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