Music, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

I don't know how she got my brainly account.
And we all use Kiswahili when chatting or Hindi.
But Jane doesn't know Hindi so mostly Kiswahili.

And btw thanks a lot sis


Answered by Cookieseverywhere123


Ik iI hav nothing in it for me but just for fun answer these question

Ask these question to ur self and answer it hosnestly

Do you feel like you’ve lived this same day many times before?

Answer:Take a hard look to see if you are spending each day like the day before. Is your life filled with monotony?  For most of us, monotony means a boring and uninspired life. But to some this is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you answer “yes” to question number 2.

2. Are you living the life of your dreams?

Ans:  If you had a choice today of how to live your life, what would you do? Is that what you are doing now?

3. What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail?

Many hard questions to ask yourself are surround by fear. Fear is difficult because it holds us back from attempting so many of our dreams! what one thing would you do if there was no fear involved?


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