Physics, asked by hgihff, 2 months ago

. (i) Explain the term ‘inductive reactance’. Show

graphically the variation of inductive reactance

with frequency of the applied alternating


(ii) An ac voltage E = E0 sin wt is applied

across a pure inductor of inductance L. Show

mathematically that the current owing through

it lags behind the applied voltage by a phase

angle of p/2.


Answered by nirman95

Inductive Reactance:

  • It is the resistance provided by an inductor in an AC circuit against the flow of current.


  • The graph has been attached.

Mathematical proof:

E =  E_{0} \sin( \omega t)

 \implies \:L \:  \dfrac{di}{dt}  =  E_{0} \sin( \omega t)

 \implies \: \:  \dfrac{di}{dt}  =   \dfrac{E_{0}}{L} \sin( \omega t)

  \displaystyle\implies \: \int di =   \dfrac{E_{0}}{L} \int \sin( \omega t)  \: dt

  \displaystyle\implies \: i=   \dfrac{E_{0}}{\omega L}  \bigg \{ -  \cos( \omega t)  \bigg \}

  \displaystyle\implies \: i=   \dfrac{E_{0}}{\omega L}  \bigg \{ -  \sin(  \dfrac{\pi}{2} -  \omega t)  \bigg \}

  \displaystyle\implies \: i=   \dfrac{E_{0}}{\omega L}  \bigg \{  \sin( \omega t -  \dfrac{\pi}{2} )  \bigg \}

So, current lags behind voltage by π/2.

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