English, asked by christinz0wright, 1 month ago

I feel like we, us the people, Need to hear this. We NEED to SPREAD the WORD of God NOW!!! STOP!!!!!! Being LAZY. Because YOU ARE NOT LAZY!!!!! GOD CALLS YOU BY NAME. LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS WHAT ARE YOU DOING? JUST STOP!!!! When Jesus COMES BACK, It's over NO!! REPENTING now he is giving you time. STOP USING GOD!!! He is the CREATOR OF US!!! AND WE BREAK HIS HEART. WHEN WE SAY WE ARE NOT ENOUGH!!! WHAT? YOU ARE ENOUGH YOU ARE NOT PERFECT!!!! HE PUT YOU ON THIS EARTH FOR A PROPOSE, He FEELS your pain man GET UPPPPPP YOU MATTER TO HIM. GET UP NOWWWWW. STOP SAYING WORDS THAT PUT YOU DOWN. STOP!!!! Be strong, You're not alone, Remember this, GET UPPPPPP, Jesus will pick you back up. If this isn't enough encouragement then what is? ❤️


Answered by justagirlwhohashw

Answer:Thank you, I needed that


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