English, asked by viveksoni64844, 6 months ago

I feel myself a big worm now (turn into exclamatory)​


Answered by RichardWayneSmith


At times he felt just like a worm. Failures, being taunted and bullied lead to despair swirling around him. It drove him into perfectly hidden self-pity and self-loathing.

The spiritual beliefs he had formed in his child’s thinking didn’t help either.

You’re a sinner

You’re going to hell

Try harder


Performance matters

What came out of this toxic soup was self-worth so low that he felt part of a prodigals pig slop.


When you feel like this then anything, and anyone can cross your boundaries.

There is nothing of value, and so, therefore, you don’t have anything worthy of protecting.

A downward spiral snakes its way around you.

I’ve known people who seem to spend their life at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Any movement up the staircase and they soon find the steps flap down at a sudden angle.

he has a lever on the side and is just waiting to fold down the steps.

Nose hits the rug, and down they tumble.

Power of the tongue

It’s terrible to listen to someone when they are in the depths of a wormhole.

The words they speak give voice to long-held beliefs.

In the Bible we find a poet voicing the words of his heart.

But I am a worm, and not human Psalm 22:6

Speaking words like these have powerful implications for the way the brain operates.

Say it often enough, and you will, at a deep subconscious level, start to believe it as truth.

Logic may tell you one thing, that you have worth, but your heart and your belief systems will be set in worm cast concrete. [pullquote]Every journey begins where you are. Larry Crabb[/pullquote]

This where you must start.

Transformation always begins where you are. If in the depth of despair you feel like you’re a worm then that is the place to grow from.

Power of a worm

I am fascinated by worms. I read many years ago of the incredible earthmoving capabilities of the humble earthworm.

The king of earthworm research was Charles Darwin. He reported that an acre of garden soil could contain more than 50,000 earthworms and yield 18 tons of castings per year.

Earthworms are super strong.

Earthworm hatchlings can push at a monumental 500 times their weight; large adults can push at (only) a still impressive ten times their weight. Earthworms

Earthworms have strong muscles that enable them to push and pull themselves along.

For more interesting facts about worms click here.

Worms have agency

Agency is the capacity to act independently and to make choices.

We have agency, an ability to make choices and make changes, even at the smallest of levels.

It’s those microscopically small muscle movements of the earthworm that shifts the mountain.

Its the same for us in that it’s our microscopic choices that will also shift our mountains.

Abusers, bullies, boundary-crossers, and critics (the inner critic is the worst) want to take away or to control our agency. They want to stop movement and have us under their control.

Victor Frankl, a survivor of the extermination camps of holocaust Germany, knew something of agency.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.  Victor Frankl

The power of agency made a difference in his world then and can make a difference in your world now.

The worm can turn

A worm can turn, flex its muscle, push against its world and make change.

Building boundaries begins by growing love and respect for yourself. That you have agency, choice, an ability to respond. That you have worth and value.

It all begins with a little movement.

A flexing of the micro muscle, gaining some confidence and worth then transferring this belief into the next micro movement. Momentum builds, and you’re off changing your world.

When I think of the challenges ahead and the mountains with their dark, cold shadows, I remind myself with the picture of an earthworm stretching and relaxing its powerful God made muscles.

Perhaps change, becoming strong to the critic, is as simple as learning a micro-muscle movement. Then repeating it time and time again until it becomes normal.

The challenge.

Explanation: none

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