English, asked by devi91871, 5 months ago

I go to school at 8:30 a.m. writes the punctuation marks​


Answered by Anonymous


I go to school at 8:30 am.

Answered by Evanbo222


I go to school at 8:30 am. The sentence ends with a full stop.


  • A punctuation mark is a symbol or character that is used to separate literary parts like sentences and phrases.
  • In English, there are 14 basic punctuation marks: -
  1. The Full Stop (.):- When a declarative sentence or other statement is thought to be finished, it is used to mark the conclusion of the sentence.
  2. The Question Mark (?):- In English question mark (?) is used after an interrogative statement.
  3. Quotation Marks/Speech Marks (” “):- In English, quotation marks (" ") are used for direct quotes.
  4. The Apostrophe (‘):- The apostrophe can be used to indicate the possessive form of a word as well as the plural form of lowercase letters.
  5. The Comma (,):- A comma (,) is used to distinguish between two distinct concepts or parts inside a statement. Commas can also be used to write dates and separate numerals, among other things.
  6. The Hyphen (-):- The hyphen can be used to indicate word breaks, link words to prefixes, and form compound words.
  7. The dash (en dash (–) em dash (—)):- Words are divided into statements using the dash.
  8. The Exclamation Mark (!):- An exclamation mark is used to emphasize something. It may be inserted either in the middle or at the conclusion of a sentence. It also serves as a full stop or a period at the end of a sentence.
  9. The Colon (:):-A colon (:) is a widely used punctuation mark that is fairly common. It can be used to begin a quotation, an example, a series, or even an explanation. Second, it can be applied to divide two independent clauses. Finally, a colon might be used to indicate emphasis.
  10. The Semicolon (;):-A semicolon (;) is used to indicate a close link between two independent sentences while separating them. A semicolon performs a better job than a full stop at illustrating the relationship between two sentences.
  11. Parentheses ( ):- For further information about a statement, use parentheses. Parentheses are frequently used to separate significant information from less crucial pieces.
  12. Brackets [ ]:- Technical information is shown using squared-off quotes in brackets ([]). The statement would still make sense even if this information were completely left out.
  13. Ellipsis (…):- An ellipsis is used to indicate that certain letters or words have been omitted. Ellipses are frequently employed to shorten sentences in order to omit unnecessary or extraneous words that don't add anything to the meaning of the statement being conveyed.
  14. The Slash (/):- When writing in a continuous line, a slash can be used to divide lines in a song or poem. The slash (/) can also be used instead of the word or. Additionally, two opposing ideas can be represented by a slash.


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