I got 75.8 percentile
I am SC
Can I get NIT SEAT
The overall expected rank with the given percentile is expected to be in between 247566 - 278300. The category rank is expected to be in Round 30000. Considering the previous year cut off rank for NITs and IIITs it is quite difficult to get seat in these Institutes. A safe score to secure admission in NIT or IIIT for SC category candidate is 94-96 percentile or above. To score such percentile you need to score minimum 110-120 marks or above in JEE Main. The cut off for NITs depends on the total number of candidates appeared, difficulty level of examination and total number of seats available etc. You need to appear for JEE Main upcoming sessions and score well.
I hope hlepyou
plz brainiest make it
yes you can get a seat in NIT