I had done an impertinent thing in breaking in on the privacy of this man's scientific pursuit with face like mine interpret the statement
(a) Stephen Leacock wanted to have his photo taken. (b) The photographer looked at the speaker without any enthusiasm and asked him to sit and wait. (c) He waited for an hour. (d) The author realized that he had done an unnarratable thing in breaking in on the privacy of the photographer’s scientific pursuits with a face like his. (e) In older times, it took enormous time to load a negative into the big camera. They needed time to fix the camera in the right angle and ensured the appropriate lighting for taking the photo. So, the photographers made people wait for a long timeRead more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/924672/following-paragraph-answer-questions-given-below-want-photograph-taken-said-photographer?show=924673#a924673