I have attached my question.... I want answer for both the questions 5 point each :-)
1. Modern farming technology is used to improve the wide types of production practices employed by farmers. It makes use of hybrid seeds of selected variety of a single crop, technologically advanced equipment and lots of energy subsidies in the form of irrigation water, fertilizers and pesticides.
Related Journals of Modern Farming Technology Experimental Food Chemistry, Fisheries & Livestock Production, Food & Industrial Microbiology, Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, Plant Pathology, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, Soil Use and Management.
sorry divide it into points.
2. Water pollution, the release of substances into subsurface groundwater or into lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and oceans to the point where the substances interfere with beneficial use of the water or with the natural functioning of ecosystems. In addition to the release of substances, such as chemicals or microorganisms, water pollution may also include the release of energy, in the form of radioactivity or heat, into bodies of water.
Sewage And Other Water Pollutants
Water bodies can be polluted by a wide variety of substances, including pathogenic microorganisms, putrescible organic waste, plant nutrients, toxic chemicals, sediments, heat, petroleum (oil), and radioactive substances. Several types of water pollutants are considered below. (For a discussion of the handling of sewage and other forms of waste produced by human activities, see waste disposal.)
Sewage-treatment processes reduce the levels of pathogens and organics in wastewater, but they do not eliminate them completely (see also wastewater treatment).
Waste is considered toxic if it is poisonous, radioactive, explosive, carcinogenic (causing cancer), mutagenic (causing damage to chromosomes), teratogenic (causing birth defects), or bioaccumulative (that is, increasing in concentration at the higher ends of food chains). Sources of toxic chemicals include improperly disposed wastewater from industrial plants and chemical process facilities (lead, mercury, chromium) as well as surface runoff containing pesticides used on agricultural areas and suburban lawns (chlordane, dieldrin, heptachlor). (For a more-detailed treatment of toxic chemicals, see poison and toxic waste
There are several types of water quality standards. Stream standards are those that classify streams, rivers, and lakes on the basis of their maximum beneficial use; they set allowable levels of specific substances or qualities (e.g., dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH) allowed in those bodies of water, based on their given classification. Effluent (water outflow) standards set specific limits on the levels of contaminants (e.g., biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, nitrogen) allowed in the final discharges from wastewater-treatment plants. Drinking-water standards include limits on the levels of specific contaminants allowed in potable water delivered to homes for domestic use. In the United States, the Clean Water Act and its amendments regulate water quality and set minimum standards for waste discharges for each industry as well as regulations for specific problems such as toxic chemicals and oil spills. In the European Union, water quality is governed by the Water Framework Directive, the Drinking Water Directive, and other laws. (See also wastewater treatment)
I didn't find perfect images.