I have school assembly tomorrow. please help me with an interesting and creative conversation or speech (dont write too short).
we can make speech on fast food
Good morning everyone my name is.....
I am going to talk about fast food
it is the age of fast food.you can buy fast food anywhere.but excess fast food makes your body fat.dont eat fast food
why sky is blue??
it goes from here to thre and from there to here i wonder u wonder actually we all wonder ....why sky is blue?
honourable president and fellows!
the sky is blue because it isnt purple or pink not green nor orange that is why sky is blue
maybe sky is blue because sumurfs decided to go sky diving or the sun taken the yellow colour.
dear fellows these reasons dont satisfy us. WHY???
dear friends actually sunlight travels through air inwaves hiding seven colours isnt it intersting!!
before it reaches the earth it has to pass through earths atmosphere
now,around the sky are different particles not the balls or the legos but dust and ashes which we cannot see with an eye.
blue colours light due to its short wave lenghth pop in to these particles and bounces back and scattered in all directions.THAT IS WHY SKY DISPLAYING THE COLOUR BLUE.
hope u satisfied now!!
thank u all